Tuesday, November 22, 2011


"Who needs the sun when the rain is full of life? Who needs the sky when the ground opens wide? It's here in your arms I want to be buried. You are my sanctuary" ~unknown

As much as I love the sun,& we all know I love bright, sunny days, I have a special place in my heart for rainy San Francisco days. There is something so welcoming & comforting about hearing the droplets against my window & the constant downpour of individual drops. I hear the swishing by of cars on puddled streets, which is actually a pretty lovely sound. It's like the rain gives them another dimension, a saturated stage to ascend on. I love listening to the rain in doors. Something about it is so romantic, and comforting. The steady sound of it accompanied by a few of my favorite things never disappoints: a nice cup of tea to stave off the chill in the air; finding yourself in a cozy warm bed with an amazing book; perhaps a warm body to snuggle up to; dancing flames from slow-burning candles illuminating the room; deep, heartfelt conversations with a loved one in the middle of the night; taking the time for introspection, a looking in if you will. Where sunshine encourages you to be expansive & embrace the day with open arms, a rainy night asks you to be thoughtful, pensive & perhaps reflect on what it is your heart & mind are seeking, what they are needing. I love the way the water makes everything glean, how it creates reflections where there otherwise would be none. You can see the fuzzy colors of street lamps reflected on the street below, the trees & grass that were once thirsty have now been quenched, umbrellas bobbing up & down as people rush to get out of the wet & home to warmth & creature comforts. Rain sweeps everything clean, clears away the old to reveal a fresh world, a new perspective. I wonder what new things will present themselves to me the next day. What can I expect from this cleansed world filled with fresh opportunities & adventures?

Let's get lost in a rainstorm together...

we can jump through puddles...

and enjoy the steady down pour...

and discover the world anew

"Remember even though the world might be raining, if you keep smiling the sun will soon show it's face back at you" ~Anna Lee

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Addiction Needs No Cure...

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and cannot remain silent"  ~Victor Hugo

I have yet to provide a piece on my love affair with music. Ah music, the "drug" that soothes your soul by hearing it, reveals your soul by playing it, enriches every experience & heightens all emotions to another level. What better fixation to have than music? And the best cure I know is to feed this craving any chance you get. I adore live music, of all sorts. Awhile ago, I initiated a plan for myself, because I don't necessarily have the time or funds to travel as often as I'd like, I decided I would go to at least 1 concert once a month. When Greece or Fiji were just out of my budget, concerts could serve as my vacation, my little escape from reality, even for just a night. Living in the Bay Area, especially in San Francisco, I'm lucky to be in a hot spot for musicians. There are also a lot of great venues here as well: The Warfield, The Fillmore, The Independent, The Great American Music Hall, The Greek Theater in Berkeley, The Fox in Oakland, etc. Can I just say being musically obsessed, I'm a very lucky girl to live where I do?! I've been fortunate to catch a lot of amazing artists here in my backyard, Bloc Party, Florence and the Machine, Imogen Heap, The Black Keys, The XX, Geographer, The Fray, Arcade Fire, Kylie Minouge, Phoenix, The Naked and Famous,(yes, I have eclectic tastes), to name a few. And each experience has been amazing & rewarding in itself. I also like to get others hooked-- I'm usually the girl who buys two tickets and drags along a friend, who later can't thank me enough for bringing them. I had a girlfriend tell me I changed her life by bringing her to the Imogen Heap concert and another who had tears in her eyes from watching the Fray perform live. I love sharing moments like that with someone special. It's humbling to think a simple call requesting their company to a concert could ultimately affect them so much. But hey I get it, music has the ability to move you. It transcends space & time. For a brief moment, while Bloc Party is jamming out "Banquet" or the XX are melodically singing "Islands" or Florence is belting out "Between Two Lungs", all is right with the world. You can lose yourself in those moments & feel excited & alive. That is the point, right? Give me music that makes me hold my breath or sing out loud (out of tune, no doubt), or don't give me any at all. I've had the joyous pleasure to also witness things at live shows that I wouldn't see anywhere else. I saw the singer of Bloc Party trip backwards on his mic cord & wind up half singing & laughing on the floor of the Warfield & on that same stage, the lead singer of the Fray fell right on his ass having slipped on water they had doused a band member with, also laughing at himself. Two totally different shows, two totally amazing experiences. Not that I'm inclined to find humor in people embarrassing themselves on stage, but you see the humanity of these artists whose music you worship. After all they are people just like us, incredibly talented people who have perfected their art, but human nonetheless. And how inspiring to be witness to that, to see what beauty we are capable of, what experiences we can create & give to one another. I leave you with videos of some of these talented artists I've been fortunate enough to see. I imagine I will be sharing more on musicians & live shows in the very near future as I have tickets in my possession as we speak ;)...
In the meantime, enjoy

Florence's cover of Cold War Kid's "Hospital Beds":

The XX's "Islands":

The Naked and Famous' "Young Blood":

"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music" ~Angela Monet

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dining adventures in SF: Bernal Supper Club

Strawberry on crostini with balsamic glaze
One of the best things about San Francisco is that it is a culinary mecca. It's a place where talented chefs thrive & where devout foodies can get their fix any day of the week. I have had the pleasure of dining at one of these amazing places on two occasions. The place is the Bernal Supper Club @ The Corner. The Corner is a restaurant where local chefs come in on a nightly basis and take over the kitchen to make their own inspired fare. I was there on a Monday night to enjoy the delectable talents of Tony Ferarri, Jonathon Sutton & Miles Carnahan. They call themselves the Bernal Supper Club, and they are surely a group of talented chefs going places. You are first greeted by the delightful hostesses that make you feel welcome the moment you step in. You are asked where in the restaurant you would like to sit; I have had the enjoyment of sitting upstairs & downstairs on the stools by the open window. Upstairs you get a view of the whole restaurant, it's somewhat more intimate & you can even peek into the kitchen. Downstairs feels a bit more casual & you get to people watch the passer byers on lively Mission street while you enjoy your meal; either way you can't go wrong. There are also individual tables downstairs & outdoor seating. Once you are comfortable, you are approached by your waitress & asked if you would like anything to drink other than still water. They have a great wine list, I myself enjoy the Italian Pinot Grigio- light, fruity, refreshing & goes well with most of the items on the menu. My girlfriend enjoys the Lodi Zin or Cab, rich, bold reds that pair well with the daily red meat option. On my first occasion I was greeted by one of the hostesses with a little cup of fresh olives. She told me they were from her farm & that Tony used her fresh pressed olive oil. How quaint is that! You feel like your dining at some rustic, small family establishment in the rich terrain of Italy somewhere. Not what you would expect in a metropolitan city like San Francisco. But that's why I love it here :). So now that we've sat & have our wine, it's time for the fun part. On my first visit my girlfriend & I had a beet & goat cheese salad to start with, shared the pasta & fish entrees & we indulgent girls shared both desserts. On my second visit my friend & I had the meatball appetizer, the fish & meat entrees & dessert. Everything was home made & delicious, from the pasta to the rolled meat balls to the ciabatta bread they served them with. The stand out dish on the first visit for me was the scrumptious Steelhead Trout with millet & grapes. It was tender, buttery & the millet was cooked to perfection so that it just burst in your mouth. The flavor combination of the fish, grain & fruit was orgasmic. I salivate just thinking about it. I literally dreamed of that fish the rest of the week & all other meals paled in comparison. Don't get me wrong, every plate was cleaned, just perhaps not with the same rigor used with the trout. The second visit, again, everything was delectable. But I must say the hangar steak with spinach puree and beets was to die for. I'm not even a consistent red meat consumer, but I sheepishly admit I wanted to lick the plate! I would never have thought to combine pureed spinach & red meat, but these guys did, & they did it triumphantly! It was just such a deliciously savory entree, though my dear friend was polite enough not to mention it, I probably ate more than my fair share. But don't you worry, she got more of the yellowtail jack paired with the lemon puree, which she found to be absolutely marvelous. The dessert we had was also fabulous; it was like a cross between lemon custard & strawberry short cake. Sweet & tangy perfection! So now that I've made your mouth water, I should let you know the very best part of this dining experience: the ambiance & the people behind Bernal Supper Club. From the numerous seating options, to the candle lit tables & twinkling lights that adorn the kitchen, to the high ceilings & large open windows , to the amazing staff that makes you feel at home. All this makes the restaurant feel comfortable & inviting; you feel as if you are among friends and family. The warm atmosphere just envelopes you the moment you walk in. Chefs Tony & Jonathon even leave the kitchen to greet guests at the tables & ask them how they enjoyed their meals. How many restaurants do you know that do that? They have a wonderful way of making you feel connected by this shared dining experience. I loved the obvious personal pride & ownership that the chefs of BSC possess. They believe in their food concept & as a result, you believe in it as well. Go to Bernal Supper Club, I promise you won't be disappointed. Heck, you might even find yourself wanting to go back every Monday, like I do. Maybe I'll see you there!


Nonna's Meatballs, Tomato Sauce, Grana, Herbs

Yellowtail Jack, Artichoke Barigoule, Tomato, Lemon Puree

Hangar Steak, Spinach Puree, Beets, Pearl Onion, Horseradish

Lemon Ricotta Cake, Plum Puree, Creme Fraishe, Strawberry

Monday, September 19, 2011

And the Fog Lifts....

Oh sunny days in San Francisco, how I love thee. I've said it before & I'll say it again, this city simply can't be beat on days like today. Sun drenched skin happy to be exposed in sun dresses & shorts; parks packed to the rim with happy day revelers ready for their doses of Vitamin D; outdoor cafes who sit empty inside but are over filled with people enjoying the outdoor seating; impromptu picnics formulating on every patch of green; everyone leaving the heavy overcoats & layers at home (but bringing the advised light sweater, because after all you never know with San Francisco ;) ). Days like this are rare here, and you can tell how us Native San Franciscans try to take full advantage of them. There's a different energy to the city on days like this; it comes alive, it vibrates. Almost like a folded blossom once greeted by daylight, the city unfolds. I have often pondered living somewhere warmer, being from Central America I guess it just runs in my blood. But on days like this, it's hard to imagine anyplace more magnificent. We have culture here in San Francisco. We have various arts, independent cinema, a bountiful array of museums, an amazing music scene, gorgeous parks, a buzzing downtown, are the epicenter of the newest multimedia, have become a culinary tour de force and such a melting pot of people and cultures you sometimes feel your at the international wing of the airport. Unfortunately most of the time, all this magnificence is covered by a heavy fog or at least a light mist, but on days like today, the city shines it's brightest. I love you sunny, San Francisco!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Breathing Inspiration

How does one achieve their dreams without actively pursuing them? If one wants to be a photographer, one takes pictures; a marathon runner, one runs; a pilot, one flies planes; a chef, one cooks. You do what you love & you do it with such passion & rigor, it makes you feel alive. I want to be a writer, nay, I am a writer-- have been all my life-- & so I shall write. I may never be a famous novelist or screen writer, but I love writing so much, I will do it for the sheer joy of it. I feel like I've been waiting to be inspired, either by a magical trip to some far off land or a life-changing moment of meeting the love of my life while standing in a grocery line. But true inspiration comes from the everyday, the experiences we have in the daily lives we lead. I know I've
found it in the everyday; all I have to do is take note & continue to share it. If you look close enough you'll see that those life-changing moments happen all the time. This, taking the first steps to becoming an active writer again, feels like one of mine.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


My new favorite word is a Spanish one. It is Esperar. It's definition means to hope; to expect. What a beautiful word & idea. For me this has almost a magical appeal. Not only does it mean to dream, but to expect those dreams to come true. If only we could live that way everyday, can you imagine the possibilities? We would be unstoppable. And the most exquisite part about it is that this way of thinking could be, and is, available to all of us, all of the time. In English hope is having faith, which is utterly important & usually has a positive connotation to it. To expect is to consider likely or certain; to consider obligatory or require. Expect doesn't necessarily boast a positive or negative meaning. What if we could mix our faith with anticipation? Well the outcome would most certainly be one of great pleasure and splendor. And we find that lovely little fusion in the magnificent word Esperar.

"Language is a skin: I rub my language against the other. It is
as if I had words instead of fingers, or fingers at the tip of my words. My language trembles with desire."

-Roland Barthes

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Positive Perspective.

"We don't see things as they are; we see things as we are"
~The Talmud

It's funny how perspective can make or break your day. Occasionally you wake up on the wrong side of bed & just feel like nothing will go right that day. Sadly the day has just started and you've already categorized it as a wash. The other morning just this thing happened to me. I woke and had this overwhelming blue feeling. I forced myself up out of bed and was heading out for a run. Sometimes you've got to push yourself to get out there and get moving; try to shake that funk off. On my way to my car, I passed a woman trying to cross the street. After I crossed she was on the corner for a good few minutes, and I realized she was blind when I saw her tapping her cane on the street. Problem was she was at a busy 4-way street with stop signs, so cars were only stopping for three seconds. She could not make out the appropriate time to cross. I was in my car ready to go out and assist her, until some kind soul let her know she could cross. I proceeded to drive down the street, and came across a neighborhood man who was limping. The reason for his limping was because he has a prosthetic leg, which causes his gait to be off. He is a friendliest, most approachable man who you can often find speaking with neighbors or running errands. Every time I see him he has a smile on his face. People gravitate towards this man because of the grace & joy he exudes.
In less than 10 minutes after leaving my home I was reminded how truly lucky I am. I have my sight; I have all my limbs; and on top of that, I have my health. It's easy to focus on what we don't have or what we want, but to appreciate how we're blessed everyday, well, that can take a few reminders.
I don't recommend we go around evaluating how we have it better than others, that would only make us arrogant or entitled. But I'm sure that my neighbor and the woman with no sight also have many things to be grateful for.
I've gotten into the habit of writing down five things I am thankful for at the end of everyday. Even on a bad day there are at least five things we can be thankful for-- even if one of those things is that the day is finally over!
I believe we are surrounded by reminders everyday that can make us more appreciative of the beauty life has to offer. Each day we're presented with many opportunities to be thankful for & we can choose to embrace them OR we can ignore them & take our gifts for granted. It's our choice to be joyous. As long as there is breath in you, you have something to rejoice!

"What a wonderful life I've had!

I only wish I'd realized it sooner!"

"Pleasure is spread through the earth

In stary gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find"

-William Wordsworth

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Celebrate the Unfinished Puzzle.

Why is it in the puzzle of life, we focus in on the missing piece(s) instead of enjoying the process of constructing the finished masterpiece? Why can't we celebrate all the pieces we already have set in place? Often times we find that everything in life isn't exactly where we want it; if we've got that killer job, we're lacking a great romance; or we have an amazing relationship, but not very many good friends; or we're the social butterfly, but we have suffering family relationships. It's incredibly hard to be in perfect harmony in all areas of our life, but instead of being happy with the prosperity we have, we tend to focus in on what we feel we're missing. Unfortunately this can have the adverse affect of what we would hope for. The negative feelings one has because of their "missing piece" can infiltrate into other aspects of their life, causing them to lose sight of everything they do have. It's difficult to constantly be in an "attitude of gratitude" mind set, but doing so can make you happy where you are TODAY, not where you'll be when you land that gig or meet the "one." If anything, being happy about what you've got, will only get you closer to being truly content. And if you're always assessing what your missing, you will never be satisfied no matter how successful you are. If we can rejoice and find fulfillment with what we're blessed with everyday, we're bound to lead a happier, more abundant life.
"The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them but that they seize us"
- Ashley Monatgu

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Do visit Spain, Madrid in particular...

This place makes me feel happy, peaceful, and full of excitement. There's so much joy and vitality in the air and it's inhabitants. Hours pass like minutes, and I'm in awe how quickly the afternoon can get away from you. The men are beautiful, the women gorgeous & they all dress exquisitely, to present their best selves to the world. Every historic building leaves you captivated, one with more intricate detail than the next. And the history that took place here; the very place you stand could be where Napoleon stood when he overtook Spain hundreds of years ago. Here is a place with real culture & history and the people of Madrid take gret pride in their city. I ate pastry so decadent: soft cake with chilled cream in the center that seemed almost like ice cream; bite size pieces of an egg yolk pastry that burst with delicous sweetness in your mouth; rich dark chocolate over toasted almonds; frozen yogurt perfectly enrobed in honey & candied walnuts; a rich, deep hot chocolate that came in just the right portion to satisfy. For savory dishes I had tender, stewed rabbit with a delicious tomato-garlic sauce; a greasy steak accompanied with just as greasy eggs; a tangy, delicious seafood salad complete w/ mussels, calamari, & prawns. The cafe' con crema was so perfectly blended there was no need for sugar. As for entertainment, I'm not sure it can get any better than the live flamenco dancing that was like the most scrumptious dessert for the senses, I simply ate it up with my eyes. Then to go see the actual night clubs where you get to see the real revelers of Madrid party until the wee hours of the morning, where you can see couples dance with such intensity & heat. Their movements are elegantly synchronized, and they dance w/ both joy & eroticism. The true lucky ones are the couples that dance with their partners like no one else is in the room. Some are so sexy you can't take your eyes off of them and you follow their every step. I found myself getting lost a lot, but somehow I maged to get back to my room, w/ aching feet & heavy eyelids. Madrid is a place that doesn't sleep, or rather they sleep once all the discos are closed which is after 6. The streets are empty at that hour & Starbucks doesn't even open till 7:30! I think the people awaken only once the sun is out, which leaves them with only a few hours to rest-- in between 6- 9. Or perhaps it's much more relaxed here & work is secondary to enjoyment & loving life. Most everyone I met was muy allegre and perhaps moved at a slower pace than I'm accustomed to, but it was definitely enjoyable & something I could get use to. Madrid was like a feast to my senses. I fell in love with it for so many reasons and although I did a lot in the short time I was there, I felt there was so much more to see and do. But at the same time I know I will be back, and who knows perhaps someday I shall make it my home.

Flamenco in action

Lovely building in Madrid

Madrid at night