Thursday, September 8, 2011

Breathing Inspiration

How does one achieve their dreams without actively pursuing them? If one wants to be a photographer, one takes pictures; a marathon runner, one runs; a pilot, one flies planes; a chef, one cooks. You do what you love & you do it with such passion & rigor, it makes you feel alive. I want to be a writer, nay, I am a writer-- have been all my life-- & so I shall write. I may never be a famous novelist or screen writer, but I love writing so much, I will do it for the sheer joy of it. I feel like I've been waiting to be inspired, either by a magical trip to some far off land or a life-changing moment of meeting the love of my life while standing in a grocery line. But true inspiration comes from the everyday, the experiences we have in the daily lives we lead. I know I've
found it in the everyday; all I have to do is take note & continue to share it. If you look close enough you'll see that those life-changing moments happen all the time. This, taking the first steps to becoming an active writer again, feels like one of mine.

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