Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Do visit Spain, Madrid in particular...

This place makes me feel happy, peaceful, and full of excitement. There's so much joy and vitality in the air and it's inhabitants. Hours pass like minutes, and I'm in awe how quickly the afternoon can get away from you. The men are beautiful, the women gorgeous & they all dress exquisitely, to present their best selves to the world. Every historic building leaves you captivated, one with more intricate detail than the next. And the history that took place here; the very place you stand could be where Napoleon stood when he overtook Spain hundreds of years ago. Here is a place with real culture & history and the people of Madrid take gret pride in their city. I ate pastry so decadent: soft cake with chilled cream in the center that seemed almost like ice cream; bite size pieces of an egg yolk pastry that burst with delicous sweetness in your mouth; rich dark chocolate over toasted almonds; frozen yogurt perfectly enrobed in honey & candied walnuts; a rich, deep hot chocolate that came in just the right portion to satisfy. For savory dishes I had tender, stewed rabbit with a delicious tomato-garlic sauce; a greasy steak accompanied with just as greasy eggs; a tangy, delicious seafood salad complete w/ mussels, calamari, & prawns. The cafe' con crema was so perfectly blended there was no need for sugar. As for entertainment, I'm not sure it can get any better than the live flamenco dancing that was like the most scrumptious dessert for the senses, I simply ate it up with my eyes. Then to go see the actual night clubs where you get to see the real revelers of Madrid party until the wee hours of the morning, where you can see couples dance with such intensity & heat. Their movements are elegantly synchronized, and they dance w/ both joy & eroticism. The true lucky ones are the couples that dance with their partners like no one else is in the room. Some are so sexy you can't take your eyes off of them and you follow their every step. I found myself getting lost a lot, but somehow I maged to get back to my room, w/ aching feet & heavy eyelids. Madrid is a place that doesn't sleep, or rather they sleep once all the discos are closed which is after 6. The streets are empty at that hour & Starbucks doesn't even open till 7:30! I think the people awaken only once the sun is out, which leaves them with only a few hours to rest-- in between 6- 9. Or perhaps it's much more relaxed here & work is secondary to enjoyment & loving life. Most everyone I met was muy allegre and perhaps moved at a slower pace than I'm accustomed to, but it was definitely enjoyable & something I could get use to. Madrid was like a feast to my senses. I fell in love with it for so many reasons and although I did a lot in the short time I was there, I felt there was so much more to see and do. But at the same time I know I will be back, and who knows perhaps someday I shall make it my home.

Flamenco in action

Lovely building in Madrid

Madrid at night

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