Monday, September 19, 2011

And the Fog Lifts....

Oh sunny days in San Francisco, how I love thee. I've said it before & I'll say it again, this city simply can't be beat on days like today. Sun drenched skin happy to be exposed in sun dresses & shorts; parks packed to the rim with happy day revelers ready for their doses of Vitamin D; outdoor cafes who sit empty inside but are over filled with people enjoying the outdoor seating; impromptu picnics formulating on every patch of green; everyone leaving the heavy overcoats & layers at home (but bringing the advised light sweater, because after all you never know with San Francisco ;) ). Days like this are rare here, and you can tell how us Native San Franciscans try to take full advantage of them. There's a different energy to the city on days like this; it comes alive, it vibrates. Almost like a folded blossom once greeted by daylight, the city unfolds. I have often pondered living somewhere warmer, being from Central America I guess it just runs in my blood. But on days like this, it's hard to imagine anyplace more magnificent. We have culture here in San Francisco. We have various arts, independent cinema, a bountiful array of museums, an amazing music scene, gorgeous parks, a buzzing downtown, are the epicenter of the newest multimedia, have become a culinary tour de force and such a melting pot of people and cultures you sometimes feel your at the international wing of the airport. Unfortunately most of the time, all this magnificence is covered by a heavy fog or at least a light mist, but on days like today, the city shines it's brightest. I love you sunny, San Francisco!

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