Monday, June 18, 2012

Ode to the Perfect Two-Wheeled Suitor

Pretty tempted by this prospect
I can be pretty indecisive, blame it on my Pisces birth sign if you'd like, but on my latest mission of getting a bike, I think I've been nothing if not a wise shopper. Sure I've been looking for a couple weeks, and yes I've met with a couple prospective sellers from Craigslist, and I've gone to not a couple, not a few, but nine different bike shops (I literally had to just count them out in my head and I'm even amazed it's that many-- I'm obviously pretty thorough) and yes it seems I've fallen in love with a bike on more than one occasion. It hasn't all been fun in games, though. On one test drive I crashed into a parked car trying to avoid an oncoming car that was several feet away from me. Hey, I'm rusty. Also falling in and out of love with all these different bikes, yet still searching for the ONE, is nothing short of exhausting! Therein lies the problem: there are too many choices and I haven't found the perfect one yet.

This search for the ultimate bike has almost become like searching for a soul mate. Both seem to have the same requirements. They have to look a certain way, perform a certain way, make me feel happy to take them for a spin, insure I feel safe and secure yet also give me some sense of freedom, be dependable, durable and play guitar for me while serving me breakfast in bed (oops, guess that last one is meant solely for the soul mate). My lovely room mate told me I should just buy a used one from Craigslist on the cheap, especially since it's my first bike. But much like a soul mate, I want to be hopelessly enamored with my bike. I want to be excited to pound the pavement with it, to accessorize it with a basket and hit the farmers market for produce and flowers, possibly prop my (future) pup in it and take him for a ride. I guess I've romanticized the idea of getting a bike for some time now because I see myself as if I'm riding through the streets of some European city with a picnic basket and a bottle of wine in the back heading towards an idyllic park... sigh. See I even fantasize about it like one would a soul mate!

I picture my ideal bike in a gorgeous color I swoon for (like aqua, mint or even pale yellow) with fenders and a brown leather seat and handles with a pannier in the front. It would be a women's hybrid with a step through or a mixte (a popular European style that is unisex) and it has to have enough gears to get me up some of these crazy city hills! 
In reality I want my bike to be a reflection of me, much as you would think choosing a significant other is a representation of yourself. I don't want any junky, used bike (or lover, for that matter). If it has scuffs or dents I want to know where they originated from. I want to have created those scars with it. Isn't that part of the fun anyway? A friend of mine who has a side business of repairing bikes and selling them told me just like new cars, new bikes depreciate in value by like 50% the moment you drive them off the lot. Well, mine won't! At least not to me. That's the whole point of buying one you'll be completely happy with.

Sure further down the rode when I become a better cyclist I may prefer a more professional, higher quality (read: more expensive) bike, but for now I just want the dream to match the reality. Geeze, this really does sound like a search for an ideal mate.
Maybe I should just post a personal ad:

Single Female searching for the perfect bike. Looking for equal parts function and form. Ideal candidate must be willing to let me test ride (imagine if you saw this last requirement on an actual dating profile-- Match and OkCupid would get so congested their sites would probably shut down! Haha)

All kidding aside, I know it's out there. And I know I'll find it. As much as I've anticipated it's arrival, it's been waiting for me. I've searched far and wide and don't plan on settling now. I can be patient, because the payoff will be nothing short of perfection.
And yes I'm still talking about a bike, although I dedicate this post to all those romantics still searching for their ideal; especially a dear friend of mine who I hope reads this and knows this is a shout out to him. You'll find her ;)... and the anticipation will make the reward that much sweeter.

Just waiting for a bike ride

Why not stop and smell the roses?

Someday very soon :)

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