Tuesday, November 22, 2011


"Who needs the sun when the rain is full of life? Who needs the sky when the ground opens wide? It's here in your arms I want to be buried. You are my sanctuary" ~unknown

As much as I love the sun,& we all know I love bright, sunny days, I have a special place in my heart for rainy San Francisco days. There is something so welcoming & comforting about hearing the droplets against my window & the constant downpour of individual drops. I hear the swishing by of cars on puddled streets, which is actually a pretty lovely sound. It's like the rain gives them another dimension, a saturated stage to ascend on. I love listening to the rain in doors. Something about it is so romantic, and comforting. The steady sound of it accompanied by a few of my favorite things never disappoints: a nice cup of tea to stave off the chill in the air; finding yourself in a cozy warm bed with an amazing book; perhaps a warm body to snuggle up to; dancing flames from slow-burning candles illuminating the room; deep, heartfelt conversations with a loved one in the middle of the night; taking the time for introspection, a looking in if you will. Where sunshine encourages you to be expansive & embrace the day with open arms, a rainy night asks you to be thoughtful, pensive & perhaps reflect on what it is your heart & mind are seeking, what they are needing. I love the way the water makes everything glean, how it creates reflections where there otherwise would be none. You can see the fuzzy colors of street lamps reflected on the street below, the trees & grass that were once thirsty have now been quenched, umbrellas bobbing up & down as people rush to get out of the wet & home to warmth & creature comforts. Rain sweeps everything clean, clears away the old to reveal a fresh world, a new perspective. I wonder what new things will present themselves to me the next day. What can I expect from this cleansed world filled with fresh opportunities & adventures?

Let's get lost in a rainstorm together...

we can jump through puddles...

and enjoy the steady down pour...

and discover the world anew

"Remember even though the world might be raining, if you keep smiling the sun will soon show it's face back at you" ~Anna Lee